we live free

Our Contracts


      About the Musharaka construct

      Under the musharaka contract, We Live Free sells the residential property to the client in monthly instalments. The selling price consists of the purchasing price of the property (market value), increased with a mark-up for expenses incurred in the process of providing the required capital. The customer gradually obtains ownership of the property upon sale. The musharaka contract constitutes co-ownership and sharing of profits and losses between We Live Free and its customer.

      Ownership of the residential property

      At the initial transaction date, We Live Free retains ownership of the residential property. The customer gradually obtains and increases its ownership with every monthly instalment.

      Interest included in agreement


      Mark-up consists of

      Administrative expenses and a return on the provided investment. The mark-up is fixed given the agreed-upon duration of the contract (unconditional of future developments in interest, housing prices, etc.). The mark-up will not change upon later or earlier repayment.


      The residential property will serve as collateral for the asset-backed mortgage during the whole duration.

      Classification of the contract (financial reporting)

      For financial reporting purposes, the residential property classifies as investment property and will be presented as a tangible fixed asset.

       As the customer gradually obtains control of the property, the carrying amount of the investment property will gradually decrease.

      Sale of the residential property

      The potential sale of the residential property is at the customer’s discretion, whether due to rehousing, divorce, loss of job or otherwise.

       Under the musharaka contract, the monthly instalments are fixed. However, the client is not burdened by a fixed debt. If the customer sells the house, the profits (or losses) of the sale will be shared between We Live Free and the customer according to the ownership details at the transaction date.

      Defaults on payments past-due

      The customer receives written notifications of their payments past-due in the first three months after the due date. During this time, the We Live Free team will actively communicate with the customer in order to verify the reasons for non-payment and possibilities of resuming the payment scheme. If, after due process, the customer still has not resumed the payment scheme after 6 months, We Live Free will research the possibilities for repossession and exercising its collateral rights (‘regular’ financial institutions in the Netherlands maintain a 3-month period).

      No interest or other charges whatsoever accrue for payments past-due, other than an additional cost mark-up to recover the expenses made by We Live Free for recollection of the debt.

      Maintenance of the residential property

      All expenses to maintain the residential property in a normal state are born by the customer.

      About the Murabaha construct

      Under the murabaha contract, We Live Free sells the residential property to the client, after which payment is deferred in monthly instalments. The selling price consists of the purchasing price of the property (market value), increased with a mark-up for expenses incurred in the process of providing the required capital. The customer obtains ownership of the property upon sale.

      Ownership of the residential property

      The customer fully and wholly owns the residential property at the initial transaction date.

      Interest included in agreement


      Mark-up consists of

      Administrative expenses and a return on the provided investment. The mark-up is fixed given the agreed-upon duration of the contract (unconditional of future developments in interest, housing prices, etc.). The mark-up will not change upon later or earlier repayment.


      The residential property will serve as collateral for the asset-backed mortgage during the whole duration.

      Classification of the contract (financial reporting)

      For financial reporting purposes, the contract classifies as an asset-backed loan and will be presented as a financial fixed asset.

      Sale of the residential property

      The potential sale of the residential property is at the customer’s discretion, whether due to rehousing, divorce, loss of job or otherwise.
      Under the murabaha contract, the debt is fixed. If the customer sells the house at a value exceeding the remaining debt, the customer receives the additional profit. If the customer sells the house at a value below the remaining debt, the customer maintains a residual debt, to be repaid at a payment scheme to be agreed-upon.

      Defaults on payments past-due

      The customer receives written notifications of their payments past-due in the first three months after the due date. During this time, the We Live Free team will actively communicate with the customer in order to verify the reasons for non-payment and possibilities of resuming the payment scheme. If, after due process, the customer still has not resumed the payment scheme after 6 months, We Live Free will research the possibilities for repossession and exercising its collateral rights (‘regular’ financial institutions in the Netherlands maintain a 3-month period).

      No interest or other charges whatsoever accrue for payments past-due, other than an additional cost mark-up to recover the expenses made by We Live Free for recollection of the debt.

      Maintenance of the residential property

      All expenses to maintain the residential property in a normal state are born by the customer.

      Linear Repayment

      Overall, in order to mitigate risks, We Live Free prefers linear repayment, over a shorter term with an increased input of own funds by the customer. The customer is not forced to choose these options, all possibilities are at their discretion. In order to nudge the customers into choosing preferable options, We Live Free differentiates the mark-up to the different options in order to properly reflect the risk associated. Personnel of We Live Free is trained to the highest standards and ethically challenged in order to enact their duty of care as to prevent customers from taking on excessive lending, known as gharar.

      Contact us

      Location Amersfoort (NL):
      Algolweg 9
      3821 BG Amersfoort

      Location Amsterdam (NL):
      Kabelweg 57
      1014 BA, Amsterdam

      T: (+31)85 800 0012
      E: info@welivefree.nl