we live free

Halal Mortgages

We Live Free has been founded by a group of enthusiastic Muslims in the Netherlands, aimed at providing the Dutch market with the possibility to purchase and own their own home in accordance with Islamic finance.


The obstacles with a regular mortgage and Islam

In the western financial world, mortgage financing of property typically contains elements of interest on repayments past-due and other factors to ensure timely repayment. These elements conflict with the base principles of the Islamic religion. Generally speaking, these regulations promote clear agreements with fair distribution of profits and losses between both parties. The concepts of interest (riba), profiting of someone else’s misfortune, and excessive risk-taking (gharar), conflict with modern financial usance in the western world.

The generic products available in the financial markets in the Netherlands are therefore unavailable to Muslims.

we live free

The solution

We Live Free has been founded by a group of enthusiastic Muslims in the Netherlands, aimed at providing the Dutch market with the possibility to purchase and own their own home in accordance with Islamic finance. Up until now, this group has had to resort to leasing their home without ownership. We Live Free has created basic and transparent contracts aimed at providing mortgage financing in the Netherlands. The choice of the contract is at the customer’s discretion. All contracts have been approved by our board and are therefore compliant with the Islamic principles, also known as halal.

Contact us

Location Amersfoort (NL):
Algolweg 9
3821 BG Amersfoort

Location Amsterdam (NL):
Kabelweg 57
1014 BA, Amsterdam

T: (+31)85 800 0012
E: info@welivefree.nl